26 Moments From “Parks And Rec” And “The Office” That’ll (Almost) Make You Feel Bad For Toby And Jerry

Awww, jeez.

When Jerry was the unfortunate face of “park safety”.

When Jerry was the unfortunate face of "park safety".

Leslie: Jerry’s face is the symbol of failure.

NBC / Via uproxx.com

When Toby received Michael’s going away gift.

When Toby received Michael's going away gift.

“Suck on this.”

NBC / Via buzzfeed.com

When Jerry tried to greet Diane’s kids.

When Jerry tried to greet Diane's kids.

Jerry: Well, hey girls!
Ivy: No.

NBC / Via shygirl364.tumblr.com

When Toby wasn’t invited to Diversity Day.

When Toby wasn't invited to Diversity Day.

Michael: This is an environment of welcoming and you should get the hell out of here.

NBC / Via .imgur.com

When Jerry’s history was extremely unhelpful.

When Jerry's history was extremely unhelpful.

Jerry: You know actually, before my kids, I looked a lot like you, Chris.
Chris: I’m very sad, please stop talking.

nbc / Via justinripley.tumblr.com

When Toby was lied to.

When Toby was lied to.

Michael: You wanna hear a lie? I think you’re great, you’re my best friend.

NBC / Via tumblr.com

When Jerry’s mishap led to a harsh announcement.

When Jerry's mishap led to a harsh announcement.

Leslie: Let’s all pretend Jerry wasn’t born.

NBC / Via holden-caulfieldings.tumblr.com

When Toby gave a list of reasons why kids shouldn’t be allowed in the warehouse.

When Toby gave a list of reasons why kids shouldn't be allowed in the warehouse.

Michael: Why are you the way that you are?

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When Jerry learned some personal news.

When Jerry learned some personal news.

Mark: A little birdy told me that your adoptive mother was arrested for marijuana possession.
Jerry: What?
Mark: You didn’t know that, huh?
Jerry: I didn’t know I was adopted.
Mark: Oh no.

NBC / Via linked-pinkies.tumblr.com

When Toby was the subject of an intense hypothetical.

When Toby was the subject of an intense hypothetical.

Michael: If I had a gun with two bullets and I was in a room with Hitler, Bin Laden and Toby, I would shoot Toby twice.

NBC / Via buzzfeed.com

When Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry was messed with so much, he forgot his actual name.

When Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry was messed with so much, he forgot his actual name.

Jerry/Larry/Terry/Garry: No, it’s not Larry. It’s Jerry… No, it’s Garry.

NBC / Via imgur.com

When Toby’s departure was taken very seriously.

When Toby's departure was taken very seriously.

Michael: Can I just say that of all the idiots in all the idiot villages in all the idiot worlds, you stand alone, my friend.

NBC / Via buzzfeed.com

When Jerry’s internet skills offended Tom.

When Jerry's internet skills offended Tom.

Tom: God, Jerry! You don’t deserve the internet.

NBC / Via nbcparksandrec.tumblr.com

When Toby got in the way of Michael impressing Holly.

When Toby got in the way of Michael impressing Holly.

Michael: I’ll kill you.

NBC / Via tumblr.com

When Larry discovered a secret.

When Larry discovered a secret.

April: Every year we would dress up as demons and egg Larry’s house.
Larry: That was you?
Chris: Larry, please. We’re trying to have a private conversation.

NBC / Via amusementdaily.tumblr.com

When Toby returned.

When Toby returned.

Michael: No, God, please no! NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

NBC / Via tenor.com

When Jerry’s innocent story was interrupted.

When Jerry's innocent story was interrupted.

Jerry: I was walking Lord Sheldon.
April: Ew, is that code for some kind of weird sex act?
Jerry: Lord Sheldon is my dog.

NBC / Via pinterest.com

When Toby tried to greet Nellie.

When Toby tried to greet Nellie.

Toby: Hi!
Nellie: No…

NBC / Via theodysseyonline.com

When Jerry tried to make Tom feel good.

When Jerry tried to make Tom feel good.

Jerry: I really wish I could have your body.
April: Ew, like, tied up, naked, in your basement?

NBC / Via pinterest.com

When Toby tried to counsel Michael.

When Toby tried to counsel Michael.

Michael: I hate looking at your face. I wanna smash it.

NBC / Via theodysseyonline.com

When Jerry’s art was destroyed.

When Jerry's art was destroyed.


NBC / Via frejskamavora.tumblr.com

When Toby was the subject of Nellie’s Halloween costume.

When Toby was the subject of Nellie's Halloween costume.


NBC / Via hiddenremote.com

When Jerry struggled with the computer.

When Jerry struggled with the computer.

April: Can you photoshop your life with better decisions, Jerry?

NBC / Via rebloggy.com

When Toby started to annoy Andy.

When Toby started to annoy Andy.

Andy: How are you not murdered every hour?

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NBC / Via ecandpark.tumblr.com

And this.

And this.

NBC / Via buzzfeed.com